Product Design Intern
at DiDi Ai Labs

Beijing, China
09.2019 - 12.2019

#Artificial Intelligent
#Automotive UI Design

Our team had a dinner gathering to catch up after a year since my internship at the DiDi. I feel fortunate to have had this internship experience as my first, working on exciting projects and being mentored by a team of dedicated, kind, and fun individuals.

During my internship at DiDi, I worked on various projects to enhance the driver experience with voice user interfaces (VUI), including user research, designing and prototyping VUI, scripting AI voice text-to-speech, and collaborating with an engineer to update VUI in an autonomous car. Although I'm unable to provide further information due to an NDA, drivers expressed positive feedback about the driver-to-passenger instant voice messaging feature during random interviews, which was launched after my internship ended:

"Now [with instant voice messaging] passengers can speak and drivers can directly reply. It's a great feature."

"After [using the instant voice messaging feature to] directly communicate with the passenger, which they usually cancel, the chances of the passenger canceling the order are lower."

Here are the key lessons I learned during my experience:

- Execution: Always ask "why". Understand the context and focus on end goal, rather than just completing tasks.

- Planning: Keeping an overall perspective on multiple projects is crucial to ensure that all tasks and objectives are aligned and on track.

- Communication: When facing constraints and limited resources, strive to identify shared objectives and priorities to ensure alignment and effective collaboration across different departments.

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